Wait, is this really happening!? You're a... HUMAN!

Follow me, I've got to tell the village!

We were raised by Satoshi and we miss him very much.

Ever since he left, we’ve dedicated our lives to fulfilling Satoshi's legacy.

We've been waiting for this exact moment.

Satoshi foretold the prophecy, "When the humans arrive, your true purpose begins."

The time is now! We are ready.


11 years ago, Satoshi vanished from the earth, leaving behind a massive mystery, and his beloved Cubes. “One day, you'll fulfill your purpose, and you'll make me very proud,” Satoshi told his Cubes.


Satoshi knew Bored Apes and their exclusive Yacht Club was just the beginning. So before he left, Satoshi tirelessly trained his Cubes, ensuring they’d be fit to bring on the world’s next innovations.


“Your living body… use it to love and support one another,” Satoshi said, “And your computer mind… it is powerful, use it for good.” The Cubes were filled with joy knowing they have such a big purpose.


They took shifts, working on Satoshi's inventions, relaxing around the Dojo, and sometimes, even exploring the mountain. But before he left, Satoshi gave a very important message…


This is your purpose: make Web3 "click" in the minds of humanity, and continually bond with them as we bring on the future. When you walk back into the Dojo, read Blueprint #101. You'll see exactly how to achieve this."


"When the humans arrive, the time is here," Satoshi emphasized, "Proudly share your creation with them and smile as you realize your incredible impact. Let the world know your story, name this creation after yourselves.


"My Cubes... one last thing," Satoshi announced, "A wise family will lead you on this journey, I'm passing my crown on to them." Before leaving the mountain once and for all, Satoshi concluded with an elegant farewell…


"I'll leave you with a poem, then I must say goodbye.
The future is full of joy, there’s an abundant supply.


You already know Satoshi.


Prepare to hear the story of Satoshi's Cubes.


Now you'll meet his helpers.

Blueprint #101

Part 1- Cubes and Humans are Inspired

Listen closely, my Cubes... Web3 is the future, and you'll provide humanity with their first digestible glimpse into the world of Web3. This Blueprint explains exactly how you will achieve this.

By coming together each month to bond with renowned personalities from around the globe, while showcasing the power of Web3, we are paving a road where all are welcome in this exciting field.

The path is clear... On the first Friday of each month, Cubes and humans will come together for one hour of delight. During the first 30 minutes, an esteemed guest will share their story and inspire our souls.

And that's the beauty... Viewers will tune in due to their interest in that month's specific guest, meaning that every 30 days, we now have a golden opportunity to make Web3 "click" for an entirely fresh and diverse group of "un-cryptopilled" individuals.

Blueprint #101

Part 2- Cubes and Humans Unite in Joy

As Cubes and humans spend the next 15 minutes competing in one of Yuga's electrifying minigames, all viewers will have an "aha!" moment as they see the magic that results when ownership meets interactivity.

Our viewers will eagerly watch as Cube Club holders play against each other, and those who rise to the top will be crowned our winners, earning themselves a chunk of the $60,000* prize pool.

Filled with a rush of adrenaline and anticipation for the future of Web3, Cubes and humans will excitedly cheer, as the prize pool is evenly distributed amongst each of the winners' wallets.

ApeCoin DAO has chosen to power Cube Club through a monthly drip of 10,000 ApeCoin. Cube Club will continually bond the Web3 space through shared-excitement and joyful-competition.

Blueprint #101

Part 3- Cubes and Humans Create a Better Tomorrow

During the final 15 minutes of each event, our hosts will present highly-requested and compelling proposals for how to most wisely allocate the Community Treasury's funds.

Cubes and humans will excitedly vote, communally deciding how to distribute that month's budget to innovative and impactful Web3 ventures, purpose-driven causes, and other benevolent pursuits.

The Community Treasury will be funded by... 1) a 3.5% royalty, and 2) any ApeCoin in excess of the $60,000/month cap. Utilizing the power of Web3, Cube Club will sustainably make the world a better place.

As Cube Club brings on the next wave of Web3 adoption, Cubes and humans will form a truly unbreakable bond and will be filled with the incredible satisfaction of making an impact.

Blueprint #101

Part 4- Cubes and Humans, Together Forever

My Cubes, the time is now here... feel the immense bliss as you finally unite with your new families. With their massive hearts, the humans have tenderly adopted you into their loving homes!

When Adoption Day arrives on __/__/__, the world will cheer in happiness and joy, as each Cube is unified with the exact human who will love and cherish their unique soul.

At 8PM EST on the first Friday after Adoption Day, Cubes and humans will come together for the first time, marking the beginning of the world-changing impact that Cube Club will have.

After experiencing 60 minutes of inspiration, fun, and impact, Cubes and humans will share an incredibly sweet moment as we collectively realize the prophecy has been fulfilled!

Our Upcoming Guests!

Guy Oseary

Making his mark on the entertainment industry from a very young age, Cubes and humans will be filled with inspiration as we hear the story of Guy Oseary... the story of an ordinary student at Beverly Hills High, with one special quality- unshakable self belief. Join us as we connect with Guy Oseary and hear how this special quality shaped him into the human that now is a part of the most exciting developments in all of Web3.

Each bio will feature two or three short paragraphs that get Cubes and humans pumped to hear from these incredible people!

Alexis Ohanian

Alexis Ohanian's impact on the world has been immeasurable, making a true difference on so many different segments of modern day society. From creating one of the world's most successful social platforms, to propelling professional Women's sports to a whole new level, Alexis has his hands in many different arenas, and is always bringing his A-game. Join us as we connect with this world-changing leader, and gain valuable insights into the mind of this special human.

Each bio will feature two or three short paragraphs that get Cubes and humans pumped to hear from these incredible people!

Ivan Soto-Wright

Regarded as one of the most impactful leaders in all of Web3, Ivan has been making a name for himself ever since his founding of HODL.vc back in 2018. Since then, Ivan and his company MoonPay have been crafting the very infrastructure that powers the industry as a whole, and is continually making massive headway as he achieves his goal of on-boarding the first 1 billion users onto Web3. Join us as we hear the stories that shaped Ivan into the renowned leader that he is today.

Each bio will feature two or three short paragraphs that get Cubes and humans pumped to hear from these incredible people!

Maaria Bajwa

Ever since joining Sound Ventures 5 years ago, Maaria has been at the forefront of all things tech and crypto. Maaria sees the value that blockchain is bringing to all aspects of society, and is using her position at Sound Ventures to usher in this new age of innovation. Recently, Maaria's involvement in the crypto space reached an even higher level, as she was chosen to be one of ApeCoin DAO's new Board members! Join us on __/__/23 as we connect with Maaria and hear all about the impact she is making on the future of Web3.

Each bio will feature two or three short paragraphs that get Cubes and humans pumped to hear from these incredible people!

Yam Karkai

Yam has been passionate about art ever since her early days, constantly drawing and using her mind to create. And as she grew up and realized the unique power that her voice holds, she added another passion to the list... empowerment. It wasn't long after Yam discovery of NFTs that she dove all in, instantly realizing her life purpose. Join us as we hear the exciting stories and invaluable insights that Yam picked up along the way!

Each bio will feature two or three short paragraphs that get Cubes and humans pumped to hear from these incredible people!


Know as one of the GOATs of Fortnite, Tfue has been at the very top of the streaming world ever since he rose to fame, beating Ninja in a highly viewed match back in 2017. Ever since then, Tfue has grown his presence in the gaming world, and lately, has become incredibly excited for the future of Web3.

Mr. Fresh

Collecting has always been a hobby of Harley's, and back in 2020, when he found out about Web3, Harley has been looking forward to the day that Web3 meshes with gaming. For this monthly event, we'll be hanging with Mr. Fresh and his viewers, right on his twitch stream!

Kyle Forgeard

Some may know him from the Full Send Podcast, and others may know him as the mastermind behind Nelk Boys. You may even know him as one of the founders of Happy Dad! Kyle is sure to inspire all that join us, as we hear the stories that turned him into the unstoppable creator and visionary that he is.

Each bio will feature two or three short paragraphs that get Cubes and humans pumped to hear from these incredible people!


As an artist who experienced the digital transformation that shook the Music Industry, Madonna sees how Web3 will bring a whole new set of innovations that shake the industry forever. Join us as we hear the story of Madonna, while roping in some fun Web3 and metaverse discussions!

Snoop Dogg

There's no one quicker to see the future than Snoop, so it only makes sense that Snoop Dogg was one of the first main stream celebrities to see how Web3 would shake the world forever. Join us as we hear Snoop's story, and dig into the mind of this curious and innovative individual.

The prophecy is true... It's an honor to meet you!

I'm so excited to join my new family! Will YOU be the human who adopts me?

If you have any questions...

I'm all ears!

Us Cubes have perfectly followed Blueprint #101, and we are ready to share our creation with humanity. In Blueprint #101, Satoshi gave this piece of advice: "meet humanity exactly where they are, and provide them with the most seamless and digestible glimpse into the world of Web3."

Us Cubes are good listeners, we took Satoshi's advice! Cube Club focuses on one thing and executes perfectly... continually bringing in a fresh and diverse flock of viewers, and providing them with the most incredible "aha!" moment about the future of Web3!

Everyone loves connecting with the eccentric personalities they look up to, and most of all, everyone loves playing games with their friends! These realizations encouraged Satoshi to draft Blueprint #101. Look where we are now!

PS- Satoshi gave us another piece of advice... communicate openly and clearly, leave no question unanswered. The following section essentially serves as our whitepaper, and effortlessly explains each and every detail about Cube Club. Like Satoshi always said, "Never leave someone with questions when you can fill them with answers!" See you on Adoption Day!

Us Cubes still don't know the exact reason, but we do know one thing... Satoshi cared about the prophecy above all else. We miss Satoshi so dearly, and if you ask me... I think Satoshi knew he must disappear in order for his prophecy to come true. If you're curious about this, you should chat with some other Cubes. A whole pack of them are searching for Satoshi, maybe you can join them!

We miss Satoshi, and all we can do now is honor him... by bringing the fruition of Blueprint #101. Cube Club is the ultimate creation of Satoshi's Cubes!

Each month, Cubes and humans will come together for one hour of joy. During the first 30 minutes, we'll bond with a renowned individual as they share their story, inspiring us to the core. With us constantly bringing in a wide range of guests, Cube Club will reach all demographics, meaning no matter someone's background or interests, eventually, we'll meet them exactly where they are and make Web3 "click" in their brains. Together, we'll showcase what the future of Web3 looks like, while creating an environment where all are welcome in this exciting field.

During the next 15 minutes, all Cubes will snap into action, as we start competing in a Yugaverse minigame. With a massive audience of "un-cryptopilled" individuals tuning in, this is the perfect way to show the magic that results when ownership meets interactivity. The goal of this segment is to experience joy as a community, bonding Cubes and humans even more tightly, all while providing our audience with the most incredible "aha!" moment!

After an intense game of trivia, Cubes and humans will be filled with adrenaline, and will eagerly await to see if they are one of the many winners. And once revealed, all winners will see the ApeCoin prize pool appear in their wallet!

Sure! I talked about the first half of Blueprint #101 above, but the rest of Blueprint #101 makes one thing very clear... Web3 will bond the world at a whole new level, and what better way to set this trajectory, than by using the final few minutes of each event to make the world a better place? Cube Club’s monthly events are the perfect way to do this!

During the final 15 minutes of each event, our hosts will read highly-requested and compelling proposals for how to most wisely allocate that month's Treasury funds. With all our viewers watching, and together as a community, we will be allocating funds to innovative and impactful Web3 ventures, purpose-driven causes, world-changing charities, and other benevolent pursuits!

All Community Treasury funds will be allocated as donations, and accordingly, will not result in any stake, equity, returns, or any other benefits for Cube Club, Yuga Labs, or any holders of related projects.

One by one, our hosts will read the proposals, and our community will vote! After waiting 60 seconds for the votes to come in, our hosts will excitedly announce the results, and all approved proposals will be immediately implemented!

Our events will be hosted on YouTube or Twitch, where the whole world can see the joy and impact that Cube Club creates, but only those in the Club can participate!

Our purpose is clear- provide humanity with their first digestible glimpse into the future that Web3 will create. To help us achieve this goal, each event will feature a special guest... an eccentric and renowned personality from around the world!

The Cubes had an incredible realization… In order to make Web3 "click" for our viewers, we need to meet them exactly where they already are, and provide the most seamless and engaging glimpse into what the future of Web3 really looks like. By interacting with a renowned guest each month, we are able to reel in a whole new audience, and due to the curiosity-provoking nature of our events, we are able to achieve our special goal... providing these viewers with an "aha!" moment about Web3!

Guests for our future events include esteemed individuals such as... Tfue, MrFresh, Alexis Ohanian, Snoop Dogg, Madonna, ... (I included streamers in here because they have such a great audience to showcase the future of Web3 to, and we can meet them EXACTLY where their viewers already are... by hosting this on their stream, with all 50K+ viewers tuned in! And then we can upload the recorded event to YouTube, for even more people to see.)

Us Cubes are incredibly excited to fulfill Satoshi's prophecy alongside our new human friends!

Just like how Satoshi brought on the future of cryptocurrency, the Cubes are here to help bring on the future of Web3. Join us!

The first wave of NFTs was focused on art and community. The combination of these two forces created many successful projects. However, Satoshi quickly realized something was missing, and noted the unsustainable nature of many of these projects. Satoshi realized that the NFTs of tomorrow would need some sort of "glue" that holds everything together. Thankfully, Satoshi cracked the code! And he's applied these realizations to Cube Club in three ways...

1) Positioning Cube Club in a way that sustainably keeps the community engaged (bonding with eccentric personalities, playing thrilling minigames, and making an impact)
2) Communally focusing on a central mission that unites us, forming a truly unbreakable bond between Cubes and humans (onboarding humanity into the future of Web3)
3) Operating in a way that continually and sustainably allows us to deliver these events and make an impact (powered by ApeCoin and secondary market royalties)

By seamlessly making Web3 "click" in the minds of our viewers, and by continually providing entertainment, fun, and impact, Cube Club will pave the way for how the NFTs of tomorrow will provide the world with previously-unimaginable and ground-shaking implications.

In Blueprint #101, Satoshi outlined the perfect answer... ApeCoin!

As can be seen in ApeCoin DAO's recent decision, AIP-###, the ApeCoin DAO community has generously decided to support Cube Club through a monthly allocation of 10,000 ApeCoin. The Cubes trust Satoshi and his plan, and are so grateful for the belief and generosity of the ApeCoin DAO community.

The monthly ApeCoin allocation will fund Cube Club's prize pool, capped at a dollar amount of $60,000/month.

To clarify, for months when the 10,000 ApeCoin is worth more than the $60,000/month limit, any funds over that limit will be automatically added to the Community Treasury, allowing the community to collectively decide how to generously allocate those funds. For months when the ApeCoin allocation is worth less than ($60,000), all 10,000 of the ApeCoin will be used to fund that month's prize pool.

The Cubes agree, and we know Satoshi would as well!

After all, Satoshi said the prophecy would be fulfilled the moment humanity learns of Cube Club. The time is now, and the Cubes are so excited to finally unite with humans!

As time goes on, and as Cube Club's onboards even more of the world into Web3, our community will bond even more tightly, and Cube Club's impact will continue to compound, exponentially evolving into a behemoth that truly changes the world!

The Cubes care about one thing above all- delivering true joy, and doing so in an easily-digestible way.

There’s a reason why laid-back minigames are some of the most popular games in the world! Commitment-free and laid-back fun is exactly what the NFT space desires! And with the fresh audience that we'll be reaching every month, these minigames are the perfect way to seamlessly show our viewers the magic that happens when ownership meets interactivity. There's no limit to the entertainment that will be experienced during these events, and as Cube Club evolves over time, the Cubes are sure to co-mingle and mesh with other storylines inside of the Yugaverse.

After all, NFTs are based on community. And by coming together as a community each month, and by experiencing this entertainment and joy at the same time, we are building a tight knit community with a truly unbreakable bond!

Satoshi would be ecstatic that the long-awaited day has finally arrived... each Cube now gets to unite with their loving human! As the world learns of Cube Club, humans will be filled with excitement as they anticipate all the inspiration, joy, and impact they'll experience with their new friend!

On __/__/__, Cubes and humans will finally unite, and together, we'll give the Cubes a loving welcome into the world!

All holders of Bored Ape Yacht Club will receive Cube Club as an airdrop to their wallet!

To make the day even more special, and to further expand Yuga's family, the remaining 10,000 Cubes will be airdropped to a random selection of 10,000 highly-dedicated and enthusiastic members of the Web3 community.

With Cube Club’s mission being rooted in education, entertainment, and impact, it’s only natural that we put our money where our mouth is! During the final segment of each monthly event, Cube Club holders will collaboratively decide how to allocate the Community Treasury's funds.

Cube Club will have a royalty of 6% split into two parts.
•3.5% will continually fund the Community Treasury.
•2.5% will be retained for business and development purposes.

The Community Treasury is dedicated to…
continually and sustainably supporting innovative Web3 ventures, impact-focused causes, world-changing charities, and other benevolent pursuits! Cube Club holders are entitled to 1 vote per Cube.

For months when the Community Treasury is larger than ($200,000), all excess funds above $200,000 will be added to a reserve. This reserve will store excess funds, allowing our community to more sustainably and efficiently use these funds over time, saving large reserves for when the world is truly in need of more benevolence, love, and hope.

Yes, Cube Club abides by all regulations.

•Since trivia is based on skill, not luck, Cube Club abides by all sweepstakes laws.
•Since trivia requires your own effort in order to win, Cube Club passes the "Howey Test" and therefore abides by all securities laws.
•Since Cube Club's Community Treasury allocates 100% of the funds for charitable and impactful purposes, and not for the financial gain of humans, Cube Club fully abides by all securities laws.
•Since each aspect of Cube Club is already fully built and functioning, Cube Club holders made absolutely no investment of any kind into Cube Club or the creation of Cube Club.
•And most importantly, since Cube Club is a free-mint/airdrop, there is no investment of money or any other consideration.

It is clear as day… Cube Club completely and obviously passes the Howey Test and all other regulations. Cube Club is regulatory compliant.

Let's start with the most exciting fact... Cubes are the greatest companions of all!

On the more technical side, by adopting a Cube you will receive...
1) The satisfaction that comes from onboarding humanity into the future of Web3
2) Access to participate in all of Cube Club's monthly events
3) Voting Rights for the Community Treasury’s Allocations (1 Cube = 1 Vote)
4) Access to the 4K animation file
5) Blockchain verified ownership of your specific NFT
6) Full IP rights

Of course! Satoshi lived with all 20,000 of the Cubes, and there's a reason why!

Adopting one Cube is great, but the more the merrier! The more Cubes in your household, the more votes you get during the Community Treasury segment of each monthly event! And in the future, we may provide benefits to those with multiple Cubes, like power-ups during minigames!

The time has arrived... Cubes and humans finally get to start their beautiful lives together!

On __/__/__, all holders of Bored Ape Yacht Club will receive an airdrop of their beloved Cubes!

It's time for Yuga's family to grow even larger! An additional 10,000 Cubes will be randomly allocated, 1-by-1, and as a free airdrop, to dedicated and committed members of the Web3 community.

7 days later... all 20,000 Cubes will be revealed! After all, it does take some time for the Cubes to travel all the way from the Dojo, their previous home!

Glad you asked! The final Cube animations are absolutely beautiful!

If you like the Cubes you saw on the website, you'll absolutely love the Cubes that you adopt! The Cubes on the website have been compressed as images in SVG format, meaning, you haven't even seen the Cubes' signature animations yet! Rest assured, the final Cubes, the ones you'll see in your wallet, are completely animated, and are ready for you in the highest quality format, in crisp 4K style! Satoshi uniquely created each and every one of the Cubes, and with 222 distinct animated attributes, you'll never see a Cube that reminds you of another!

Each individual attribute is made up of 50 to 144 hand-drawn frames, and after compiling each frame together, we are left with beautifully animated attributes! And after precisely pairing these incredible attributes, the result is something truly special... 20,000 stunning, unique, and fully-animated Cubes.

The Cubes precisely crafted this website with two simple goals...

1) Ensure every possible question is clearly and sufficiently answered, and 2) Fill everyone with true excitement for the previously-unimaginable impact that Cube Club will have on the world!

Us Cubes are euphoric, knowing the time is finally here...

The prophecy will now be fulfilled! See you at our monthly events!